Our Values
Empowerment: Seafarers Boost values empowering seafarers to take charge of their personal and professional growth, enabling them to reach their full potential.
Continuous Learning: Seafarers Boost promotes a culture of continuous learning, emphasizing the importance of acquiring new skills, knowledge, and competencies to thrive in the maritime industry.
Resilience: Seafarers Boost recognizes the challenging nature of the seafaring profession and values the development of resilience, enabling seafarers to overcome obstacles and adapt to changing circumstances.
Well-being: Seafarers Boost prioritizes the holistic well-being of seafarers, fostering practices and resources that support physical, mental, and emotional health.
Collaboration: Seafarers Boost emphasizes the value of collaboration and teamwork, recognizing that seafarers often work in close-knit environments where effective communication and cooperation are vital.
Professionalism: Seafarers Boost instills a strong sense of professionalism among participants, focusing on cultivating ethical behavior, high standards of performance, and professionalism in their interactions with colleagues, superiors, and stakeholders.
Personal Growth: Seafarers Boost values personal growth and self-improvement, providing resources, guidance, and opportunities for seafarers to enhance their skills, broaden their perspectives, and achieve their personal goals.
Diversity and Inclusion: Seafarers Boost embraces diversity and inclusion, recognizing and respecting the unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of seafarers from various cultures, genders, and backgrounds.